In 1914 the Town of Gull Lake established its first traffic bylaws.
In 1917 the speed limit was set at 10mph
In 1968 the four-way flashing light at Main Street and Rutland Avenue was installed.
In 2014 the first traffic count information was downloaded from the speed sign at the south end of town. The traffic count averaged 710 vehicles per day coming from the #37 highway into Gull Lake.
In April 2016 Town Council received a letter from Douglas Hsu from Calgary, Alberta. Douglas was 7 years old and has grandparents in Gull Lake. He was concerned for the safety of children crossing the street and believed a sign telling drivers to slow down would be a good idea. Town Council approved the installation of a sign that was placed along Conrad Avenue to have drivers slow down when driving past the pool.
In July 2017 the Gull Lake Bypass was completed and established a route for heavy truck traffic to bypass the town. The Town of Gull Lake partnered with the Province of Saskatchewan and the RM of Gull Lake to complete the project. The Town agreed to provide the R.M. of Gull Lake a financial contribution of $200,000 payable in annual installments of $10,000 to help towards the paving costs.
In October 2017 “SLOW DOWN! Watch for Children” signs were installed on the corner of Second Street and Rutland Avenue. The corner is a busy corner at times with both traffic and children walking home to and from school.
In June 2020 a new sign promoting the types of businesses in downtown Gull Lake was installed on the #1 highway eastbound lane. The Economic Development Committee helped design the sign and made a recommendation to Town Council to have the sign installed.
In August 2020 Highway traffic coming into town from Highway 37 south sees a new sign promoting the types of businesses in downtown Gull Lake.
Blake Campbell