Monday Nov 21st from 1-4PM community members and representatives of businesses, local organizations, and municipal leaders are asked to join in on a planning workshop facilitated by Doug Griffiths in GULL LAKE.
Doug the founder of 13 Ways believes communities are worth saving, which is why he has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to helping them find a pathway to success. He uses a straight-shooting, no-punches-pulled approach to show how attitude is the biggest factor – and roadblock – to building a successful community.
This workshop will take place at the Gull Lake Community Hall and snacks and drinks will be provided. We are hopeful to have a representative from each local organization, municipality and local businesses.
Participants are also invited to attend Doug's free presentation at the Hazlet Community Hall. Contact Lindsay Alliban at 306-741-3775 or to register for the free workshop, presentation, or both.

Gull Lake Economic Development Committee