The Gull Lake Community Action Forum was held on December 1st, 2022, with Perry Phillips serving as the event's facilitator. A total of 26 people of the community took part in the event. Participants represented a variety of community organizations, including Seniors, Recreation, Tourism, Economic Development, Business, and Council. The meeting provided a summary of the planning process and prompted participants to join in a discussion regarding the future development of Gull Lake.
Future planning sessions will be scheduled to continue the planning process. The following are the group's next steps:
Develop a list that is inclusive and representative of diverse set of stakeholders
Determine organizational capacity and who/what organization will be the ‘keeper’ or champion (manger/administrator) of the Plan
Develop a vision and mission statements
Develop a framework of Goals that support the Vision
Launch the Action Plan component
The forum was an excellent first step in a community-wide effort to shape Gull Lake's future. The Community Discovery Session report, can be downloaded below.
Blake Campbell
Gull Lake Events