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Captain Keith Mirau Day In Gull Lake Saskatchewan

Over the years, I collaborated with Councils on many projects. I am most proud of having been a part of proclaiming August 9th "Captain Keith Mirau Day" in Gull Lake. Today is "National Peacekeepers Day" and in Gull Lake, it is also "Captain Keith Mirau Day." It is a time to honour the sacrifice made by Captain Mirau, and to recognize and appreciate all those who serve our country with honour.

Blake Campbell

CBC News Announcement of the 1974 Crash

Town of Gull Lake Proclamation

WHEREAS August 9th is recognized as National Peacekeepers Day; and

WHEREAS on August 9th, 1974 a United Nations-marked Canadian transport aircraft was shot down during Peacekeeping duties, ultimately killing all nine personnel on board. It was and still is the largest loss of Canadian Peacekeepers in a single day; and

WHEREAS the United Nations flag is raised and flown on August 9th to honour the memory of the many Canadians who have given their lives in the service of peace. It also demonstrates our continued support of the brave men and women who are currently on active duty in foreign lands; and

WHEREAS Captain Keith Mirau of Gull Lake, Saskatchewan was among the nine Canadian peacekeepers who lost his life on that day; and

WHEREAS we honour his sacrifice and the sacrifices made by his family and loved ones at home.

THEREFORE, I, Blake Campbell, Mayor of the Town of Gull Lake, do hereby proclaim August 9th as Captain Keith Mirau Day in the Town of Gull Lake and urge all citizens to recognize the efforts made by all those that serve our country with honour.

Blake Campbell August 30, 2016

Mayor Town of Gull Lake


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