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Supporting Saskatchewan's Oil and Gas Sector: A Report from Doug Steele Cypress Hills MLA

Pump Jack and Oil Tank on Prairies near Gull Lake, SK

Report from Doug Steele Cypress Hills MLA

Our government was proud to attend the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show to celebrate the province’s oil and gas sector. The oil and gas sector is critical to our province’s economy; the value of oil and gas production in our province totalled $13.5 billion in 2023.

Saskatchewan’s oil and gas industry is environmentally responsible as well. In fact, if other other-producing countries in the world adopted environmental regulations like Saskatchewan’s, greenhouse gas emissions would be cut by an estimated 25%. That’s a story we should be telling the world, not making it illegal to even talk about it – which is exactly what the federal Liberal-NDP government is trying to do.

The federal government’s Bill C-59 includes amendments to the Competition Act that will penalize energy companies for asserting their environmental records without “adequate and proper substantiation in accordance with internationally-recognized methodology, the proof of which lies on the person making the representation.”

This legislation would allow environmental activists to ‘complaint swarm’ and bring applications to the Competition Tribunal. These complaints could result in companies being fined as much as $10-15 million simply for advertising their sustainability records or defending the energy sector.

The Trudeau government has essentially taken NDP MP Charlie Angus’ private members bill, The Fossil Fuels Advertising Act, and incorporated it into legislation.

This bill would effectively act as a gag law on one of Saskatchewan’s most important economic industries, forcing energy companies to face scrutiny unique in the business world. Provincial Minister of Justice and Attorney General Bronwyn Eyre wrote to the federal government to express Saskatchewan’s profound alarm at this proposed legislation. We will explore all options to fight Bill C-59, including the Saskatchewan First Act.

Our government will always stand up for and defend the oil and gas sector, and the 26,000 Saskatchewan workers and families who depend on jobs created by the industry. It’s just a shame that the federal Liberals and the NDP won’t do the same.

As our government continues to promote and grow the oil and gas industry here in Saskatchewan, we are committed to providing opportunities for our students to learn about the industry as well. In a new partnership between the Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre (Sask DLC) and Teine Energy, new Oil & Gas high school courses will be offered to students.

These courses will allow students to learn about the importance of our oil and gas industry and gain knowledge about career opportunities available in Saskatchewan’s energy industry. Meanwhile, local companies will receive support in building a future workforce to meet consumer demands.

Our government remains committed to protecting and promoting the growth of Saskatchewan’s oil and gas industry. If you have questions, comments or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my constituency office at Ph# 306-672-1755 or by email at


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