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Doug Steele Cypress Hills MLA Report

t is hard to believe that we are heading onto March, and I will be back in Regina for the Spring Session of the Legislative Assembly. I have been busy in and around the constituency meeting with residents, businesses, and groups to hear your concerns and ideas.

As the Legislative Secretary and Board Member of Crown Investment Corporation, I have focused on advocating the improvement of internet services in rural areas. SaskTel has doubled its investment plans for the Rural Fibre Initiative, now reaching $100 million. For our area, this means, Sasktel has committed to bring iniNET to Shaunavon and Maple Creek

with construction starting in 2022, and Gull Lake will receive services in 2023.

In the coming months, I will be consulting with companies on the usage and development of natural gas in our province in my role as Legislative Secretary to SaskPower and SaskEnergy. This will look at how best to utilize the current production and potential future development. This work will help our government build a strong economy today and for the

next generation.

The past summer saw drought conditions that affected producers and ranchers across the province. Government programs such as the 2022 Crop Insurance and the Farm Rancher Water Infrastructure Program have extended deadlines to assist the coming year. Our o ce is here to help with any questions you may have; please reach out to us.

Last month, I had the honour of attending the Annual Battle of Little Big Puck between the Nekaneet First Nation and the ranching community of Maple Creek. This game has brought communities together since the late 1970s and featured a charity event with the proceeds going towards local healthcare facilities. I look forward to continuing our work with the Nekaneet First Nation to realize future economic opportunities.

I want to thank all those who reached out to me to voice your concerns over the recent overreach of the federal government’s power regarding the Emergency Measures Act. I stand with Premier Scott Moe and do not support the use of this act to dismantle the protests in Ottawa. Existing laws should have been sufficient to keep people safe. It was the right decision to revoke the act, in fact, it should not have been used in the first place.

If you have a concern or topic to discuss, contact my constituency office by calling 306-672-1755, or send an email to

Doug Steele, MLA, Cypress Hill


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