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Residents of Gull Lake Are Requested to Conserve Water Tomorrow

Drilling of the Town's new water well is moving forward. Pump testing of the new well will take place tomorrow. To facilitate the testing, the existing well will have to be shut down. The Town is asking residents to conserve water tomorrow (October 15, 2021) between the hours of 7:00 a.m. & 8:00 p.m.

The second well that is currently being drilled was one of several short-term improvements to the Town's water supply system that were recommended in the Water Plant Upgrade Feasibility Study that was completed in March of last year. The drilling of a second well will provide a backup for the first well in the event that the first fails.

The report's primary recommendation is that the town work toward replacing the existing water plant, which has reached the end of its useful life. A new water plant in the report was estimated to cost approximately ten million dollars.

The report says, "The Water plant is now 60 years old and is reaching the end of its useful life expectancy."

The town is unable to build a new water plant on its own because the cost is significantly greater than the town's financial capabilities. Obtaining a provincial/federal grant is the town's only viable option for building a new water plant. To be eligible for a grant when one becomes available, the town must be grant-ready.

Ultimately, this will require Council to increase water rates in order to cover the town's financial share of any future grant. If no grants become available in the near future, a gradual rate increase would undoubtedly be preferable to a sharp rate increase at the last minute when a future grant becomes available.

Blake Campbell

Gull Lake Events


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