Saskatchewan’s economy is experiencing rapid growth, fuelled by strong commodity prices and increased private-sector investment. Over 20,000 new jobs were added in 2022, and this growth has continued into 2023; we now have a record number of people working in the province. Our strong economy allows Saskatchewan to invest in further growth for the future.
To ensure growth continues, our government is investing in the new Sustainable Canadian
Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) with the federal government. Throughout the five-
year agreement, over $89 million annually will be invested in strategic programming for farmers, ranchers and agri-businesses, which represents a 25 per cent increase over the previous agreement.
Sustainable CAP puts a continued focus on agricultural research and increased support for water development. These investments will continue to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation and resiliency of Saskatchewan’s agriculture sector for years to come.
To help grow our province’s export-based economy, our government is investing in a strong
international presence. Saskatchewan will open a new international trade office in Germany,
bringing us to a total of nine international trade offices across the world. The efforts of these trade offices are paying off – merchandise exports rose 41.6 percent 2021 to 2022. More exports abroad means more jobs here at home.
The strong economy allows us to invest in people and communities right here in Saskatchewan. This year’s budget provides $503 million in direct support for Saskatchewan’s
growing municipalities, an increase of 12.1 per cent from last year. This includes Municipal Revenue Sharing, which will reach a record $297.9 million this year, up 13.4 per
cent from last year’s budget. Municipal Revenue Sharing provides predictable, no-strings-attached funding to use as local leaders see fit as they grow and build strong
With more people, more jobs, and more opportunities, the best days are still ahead in Saskatchewan. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to my constituency
office at 306-672-1755 or
